Thursday, April 28, 2011

Love your weakness because you are Born his Way


people used to ask me why you so freaking obsess with Glee and call yourself a GLEEK (glee+geek). sometimes is hard to answer them. i like the way the sing, the way they dance, the real life example drama of now days teenager facing, and last but not least, the moral value and educational value that bring out from this Drama.

In the recent episode title "Born This Way", it really give me quite a big impact on the issue self-forgive and self-acceptance. This episode regarding something bout changing themselves thru plastic surgery, hide their real identities in different way and denied ho they are. But through out the whole episode, it bring out a big discussion about changing your weakness and act like someone else is almost like you hate your own real self and hide in disguise.

To admit it, ya i having the same problem and this give me a big encouragement to stop hiding in the closet. Show the world who the real me and shop hiding. i'm not saying that keep on having the weakness and move forward. what i wanna to express is to improve yourself and getting better to overcome our weakness but not hiding and cover your weakness and act like it wasnt there...

here is the big big dedication to all my GLEEK fans~~~

Thursday, April 21, 2011

i feel uncomfortable...


After things so called ended previous day. i really though it will ended for both good. but i just can't believe that one chapter have end, another chapter started. now things getting nastier and nastier.

those claim to say ok i give up this and that...everything just an act. people getting rebel and attack back. some even say will so called go ask for lawyer advice and sue-ed each other. some times i feel like they like child playing sand.

when u ask for lawyer advice, u need to pay for the consultation fees. after you paid and consult a lawyer, it depend the lawyer wanna take the case or not and the money is not refundable =_=

so do you think you still wanted to so called ask lawyer to sue another person? well depend on you whether wanna waste your money or not. what i can say is, this kind of small things can be settle easily. why till the extend to ask for legal action. Haiz, it just a waste of time and money.

before you do any action think about the consequences, the end result may hurt not just yourself. it may hurt your love one, especially your parent. You may gain satisfaction after you so call win this childish argument but try to think what other people will look at you and your family?

when a child misbehave, the blame is not to the child, but his/her parents. think wisely before you make silly action according to your own feeling. Your feeling not every time is correct but it may lead you to disaster.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i Have said what i need to say


Today having a meeting/counselling session together with
a group of people to sort the problem out.
each of us listen to everyone perception toward this problem
and let each other know how we feel between each other.
it was an open discussion session and it seems everyone have clearly stated
their own expectation after that conversation.

it seems like everyone sharing the same vision.
CUT off the relationship and moving forward on our own path.
stop struggling and resisting to change the facts.
and i have already said what i need to say.

"U cant force the environment/social to change in order to adapt your personality,
but you have to change yourself to adapt the society"

"U cant change how people treat and look at you,
you can only change yourself to a better person"

"need to know how to start the problem and solve the problem,
learn how to take and also how to let it go/give it away."

"Need to learn how to stand up after every fall, instead of blaming other people,
try to reflect on yourself and try to build back your own self esteem"

"Learn how to be independent instead of continue-ing depending on other people
and force other people to go along your flow"

Monday, April 18, 2011

E.M.O Season is back


well recently i posted so many emo stuff at facebok...
and my friend say "why recently u become so emo?"
i was like cant i not emo. A lot of thing happen.
friendship problem and studies problem.
but friendship problem is the most critical =_=

back-stab and been criticizes is normal for us. but been back-stab and criticizes by your best friend [i should say ex-best fren for now]. the trust of him/her toward me have getting so low and i dunno why he/she don't believe me. well yeah he almost get me failed and yes but thanks to my sincere friend who willing to remind me and tell me what have happening. or else i die hard on my exam already. for now thanks god at least i manage to reveal his/her real face at the last moment. the friendship for almost 3 years is nothing because just like the quotation.

"Trust is like an gets smaller and smaller after every mistake and betrayal!!! well, just wanna to tell u that your eraser have all become eraser traces a long long time ago... so don't ask me to gain trust on you anymore... Good bye stranger..."

Change new blog skin


currently getting bored with the old layout. so yeah...i change a new one.
but yet i still having problem...i cant stretch my layout full screen ==
there is still blank page next to my beside my layout

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

unwanted chain reaction


Feels everything changes so fast , some friendship broke and lead to another one.
but i want this reaction just in a single step.
no more chain reaction.
i don't want because of one person everyone start to argue and hurt each other.
Wise man say, "what other people say is their choice, we can't stop them from spilling everything out."
instead of been affected by it, why don't we concentrate on something that is more important rather complain bout it? be happy ya my friends ^^

i do believe we keep it down but you continue to do so many unnecessary things to gain attention and act like so pity like the world have owe you a life.
well...continue doing it. you may fool human but do remember you cant fool the GOD... and judgement will come at the end. Evil always lose to Justice and just sit there and prepare to be punish and gain more karma...

ok i'm fine people...chill and have a god day my reader ^^

ps:it just my own opinion on my friendships with my Net friend that we didnt even met before. so stop saying that i bashing my nearby friends.that was exceptional ==

current mood: fine and strss coz cant finish up my work X_X

Everything happen too fast


a few day ago was the worse day this year. i Have received 3 bad news at once.
nothing really matter anyway but i dunno why it seems like i cant handle the stress so much. maybe because i been mentally abuse last week? maybe it was just myself too sensitive or what but really feel depressed the other day. after when everything feels like is getting better. suddenly got a bad news and like chain reaction, one by one coming to me. for the first time i like kena emotionally breakdown...i eventually without any purpose hurt my bestie feeling...but she forgive me. well i'm just kinda of like weakling. dunno why suddenly everything just come to me.

well, what i can do now is stand up and solve everything 1 by 1...nothing to whine about because at the end i still have to solve it one by one... Just this time i wanna to make sure i can handle it well...just wish me good luck ya ^^

Monday, April 4, 2011

No one forcing you to follow on what am i choosing


No one forcing you to follow on what am i choosing,
you are free to choose the path that you want follow.
The world is so big, choose the path suit you and stop following other people
because at the end you will stuck there and then start to condemning other people
that lead you to an unpleasant/wrong choice.

stop showing those annoyance faces and say i hate that thing this and that,
and when people ask why you choose those things?
because he/or she recommended and say wanna buy things there.
zzz... first u request wanna buy something oriental,
so i'm kind enough to say i know one place got sell oriental stuff.
so yup i bring you there and yet i didn't force you to TAKE it!

we stay they coz we wanna buy something and if you don't like it you can go other places,
because there a lot other choices and varieties around here.
i HAVE SAID it, but what you say? better all stick together.
right after that you condemning that i bring you to a bad places
and make you have an unpleasant experience.

I'm so sorry, maybe i'm having a bad day and take it wrongly,
but it kinda of hurt because you kinda like put the blame on me.
sometimes kinda like hard to make a decision, i have my own authority also.
And i choose what i like even though it was a wrong decision.
What the point you follow me and at the end u complain bout me.

Sometime i feel like you need to judge a people from time to time,
people may sure their true color at some particular time and places.
This is what we call human nature.
Selfish and yet Foolish.

current mood: BAD

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Confession of a Broke Hearted dude


"If it's broken part, replace it
If it's broken arm then brace it
If it's broken heart then face i"

-quote from my course mate-

I dunno why this will happen to me, first u say I'm you best and close friends but know what? when people ignored you, you come approach me, especially when you need my help to PASS the message or get close back to your so called friends. you send a few good luck wishes to other people for their viva presentation but not me...LOL and I'm a bit of surprise that we both having Viva presentation today but instead your send your wishes to your so called BEST FRIEND via me and ask me pass that msg to your friend but you didn't even wish me good luck at all =_=, i been wondering what am i to you? TOOLs or a real friends? haha let dint bother bout this issue and keep moving forward... because at least i get see it trough the inner you and yeah we weren't that close at all ==

So from this moment onward go have your own life and your fantasy. stop using me to get close to those so called "you real best friend". I'm getting sick of it till the extend that i don't feel like talking to you anymore. Bravo and Congratulation that you are the first person that i hate so much till the extend when i saw your face feel like wanna explode with anger and feel disgusted. because you have broken the fragile heart of mine

1) i wont be friend with you anymore
2) i wont helping you to so called help you to pass the message to your friends
3) listen to you so called explanation because your excuses are so lame that even a 3yrs old also won't accept it.
4) stop making those expression to gain my sympathy or attention coz i wont get into the trap anymore.
5) Face it and move forward instead of continue indulge in your dark past.
6) when all your so called friend kick you away from their life, just go find new friends instead of resist there and struggle to get s accept you back coz they wont happen.

Actually you having some real true friends that treat you sincerely and caring for you very much like family. why you didn't satisfied with that and make yourself so low to struggle and insist those people that don't want to friend with you to accept your back in their life? that what i call greed and foolish. you just hurt yourself even more and more deeply. it already reach the stage that u can UNDO back all what you have done. u cant so called "FIX and Revert" back all those mistake you have done. just face the facts and continue more forward before you make the whole world turn against you.
REMEMBER that FACT. STOP before it turn nastier =_=

My KPOP Obsession Fever


Wonder Girls/원더걸스/奇迹女孩/ワンダーガールズ

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