Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Super weird day = =

today i have enter two new course lecture and meet new lecturer
today i have meet 2 new female lecturer
and their personality was totally 180 degree different from each other = =
try to imagine that one of the lecturer was like Edna Mode
and another one like Cameroon diaz with full of sense of humour

well that was weird though = =
and then another thing happen is my bicycle tires was puncture during on my way home from school =.= wat te F***
enough sad thing and hre come the happy things,
Finally my uni have offer korean languages class for student ^^
i'm damn so happy and i have seen the seongsangnim also ^^
damn so excited right now ^^


My KPOP Obsession Fever


Wonder Girls/원더걸스/奇迹女孩/ワンダーガールズ

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