Saturday, March 12, 2011

learn how Japan's Goverment and citizen react during and after disaster calm and and organize. i wonder if happen to other country will it


Now the whole Tokyo phone does not work, only the network. All this time are goneWay to go home, trams paralysis. The Japanese did not only worry about food. Very dedicated managerShop, afraid we have no food to eat. Only the supermarket closed, the goods are down, can not beBusiness.

** Shock hundreds of people in the square is completed, the whole process, no one smokes. WaiterRun, bring all the blankets, hot water, biscuits. All Men helping women, back toBuilding for the woman to take things over to put the radio wires. A few hours later, people scattered on the ground without a garbageRubbish.

** After the earthquake, Japan, Suntory announced the sale machines will be provided free of charge for all drinks!Japan's 711 and the family to provide food and water free of charge! Thirsty, automaticFree vending machine; hungry, convenience stores free of charge; tired, big supermarket open refuge;Lonely, public telephone free of charge; did not understand Japanese, Chinese propaganda taught how televisionWhat asylum. This is the image of the country, although Japan disaster, the Japanese gave the worldLesson.

* A Japanese user said: tell the truth, although I was in Japan, but in fact is luckyOccurred in Japan, or certainly terrible casualties, I think the world is onlyJapan can minimize the casualties!

chinese version[original post]


** 几百人在广场避震完毕,整个过程,无一人抽烟。服务员在跑,拿来一切毯子,热水,饼干。所有男人帮助女人,跑回大楼为女人拿东西 ,接来电线放收音机。几个小时后,人散,地上没有一片垃圾。

** 地震後,日本三得利公司宣布所有販售機將免費供應飲料!日本的711和全家全部免费提供食品和饮水!渴了,自动贩卖机免费;饿了,便利店免费;累了,大超市开放避难;寂寞了,公众电话免费;听不懂日语,电视台中文喊话教怎么避难。這就是國家形象,日本雖然受災,日本人卻給世人上了一課。

* 一日本网友说:说句心里话,虽然我在日本,但其实庆幸是发生在日本,不然死伤人数肯定很恐怖,我相信全世界只有日本才可以把死伤降到最低

@sources: facebook


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