Thursday, December 23, 2010

First day of the Workshop

well although the worshop at the first day is short but yet i learn quite a lot of things. i get to know the real meaning behind the word "CULTURE" and "ART" in the performing art world. and yeah quite a good example and explainaion from the facilitator. after that we have been introduce on the kind and categorized of cultural dance that can be found in Malaysia.
i never know there is so many type and kind of traditional dance in Malaysia ( i just remember that Pahang very famous with the traditional folk dance of "Tarian Labi -Labi", "Tarian Pelanduk and "Walinong sari", ahaks well i got join and see these dance before ^^)
well tomorrow we will be introduce with more of thse cultural dance demo, and yeah i heard we need to learn 4 type of dance from the major category and need to learn the basic significant step of each dance and then at the second last day, we need to perform one or many all of the dances ==, or else we cant graduate from the workshop, i will promise that i wont let the fasilitator down and i will try my best to graduate from this workshop ^^

recently i come a cross one very well said post from my chingu,xeera ^^
i already get permission from her to repost the post at my bloggie coz i want to share this pieces of interesting info with my blog reader ^^
so sorry coz it was wrote in Malay, i try my best to translate it as soon as possible ^^


Kategori bloggers masa kini:

1: Bloggers Bajet

- Suka condemn pasal blog orang lain tapi blog sendiri macam hampeh. Suka suki bapak tiri laki mak dorang je nak kondem2 blog orang lain. Blog sendiri kot bagus takpe gak. Kejenya nak kondem kondem kondem kondom *oppss* jek! Suka hati dorang la nak tulis entry apa pun, korang apa kisah. Dorang nak terlentang ke, nak menyiarap ke lantak pi la kat

2: Bloggers Penyemak

- Bloggers ni memang kadang2 kasi aku hangin jek. I follow u, u follow me. Dah follow tu kot kasi komen sekeping 2 keping takpe gak. Setakat lalu tak kasi salam kat shoutbox aku, baik tak payah follow. Just nak naikkan traffic n follower. Ceh, buang karan aku. I love silent reader sebab kadang2 aku pun camtu gak kecuali ada entry yang aku minat, aku tinggalkan komen ler.

3: Bloggers Suka Kopi Pasta

- Bloggers yang ni akal cetek. Apa yang ada kat blog orang lain, semua dia nak tiru. Entry, design template, banner, background music etc. Kalo boleh, biar semuanya sama. Agak2 la kalo nak copy paste pun. Kalo tak sengaja sama dengan blog orang tu takpe la jugak. Ini memang niat nak meniru blog orang lain. Tak patut.

4: Bloggers Suka Menyusahkan Orang Lain

- Blog bloggers camni giler berat. Aku nak try masuk pun lambat. Ntah apa kebenda yang dia letak kat blog tu agaknya. Delete jela application yang mengarut2 tu. Orang lain susah nak view ler. Baru je ingat nak tinggalkan jejak n follow beliau tapi disebabkan tak dapat masuk, aku blah dengan serta merta. Hoho.

5: Bloggers Tangkap Cintan

- Aku kadang2 kalo tengah tangkap cintan pun selalu camni tapi tak macam certain bloggers ni. Setiap sudut entry semua nak tulis pasal balak n marka masing2. Time tengah bunga2 cinta, entry mesti nak hepi. Time tengah frust, tangkap leleh la pulak
entry masing2. Ada la pulak tu puji melambung2 bf/gf dorang dalam entry. Macam
dia jela yang ada bf/gf. Kot suami/isteri yang nak dipuji takpe gak. Ni bf/gf yang belum tentu kekal.

6: Bloggers Entry Simple

- Bloggers ni kadang2 best, kadang2 sakit hati gak. Entry ciput bukan main. Ntah kejadah apa dia mengarut agaknya. 2 or 3 line jek utk 1 entry. Giler bosan! Tapi kadang2 best gak baca entry dorang sebab pendek, bukan macam karangan budak darjah 6 kat certain blogs. Entry pendek tapi ada isi memang aku salute tapi kalo setakat cite benda yang bukan2, aku terus tekan tanda ‘X’.

7: Bloggers Korean Maniac

- Aku taw korang obsess dengan Kpop. Aku pun obsess gak. No doubt. TAPI… Ha, ada tapi tu. Abis 1 blog korang tu korang tulis pasal Kpop. Ntah berapa banyak blog
update pasal Kpop daaa… Contoh terbaik, Allkpop yang banyak kontroversi tu. Dah
tu, banyak plak blog yang tulis entry sebijik2 macam kat blog yang korang kutip
tu. Tak guna kasi credit pun. Buat menyemak je banyak2 blog update benda yang

Korang rasa korang blogger spesis apa? Blogger ye, bukan burger... >.<

Sources from my chingu, Xeera ^^

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wonder Girls Concert at Genting 11th Dec 2010


well like the title said, i just attend one of the dream concert that i wanted to attend. i been waiting for so long for one of my favorite KPOP concert at Malaysia. since i been attending MTVLIVESTAGE2010 and JYJ fanmeeting this year, Wonder Girls concert is the 3rd KPOP concert/fanmeeting that i attended this year. it was really worth it that i attended this concert. and well there was alot of MY wonderful attended and yeah i only meet some of them. and yeah i proud to be one of them ^^. will all those purple light stick and "I <3 fellow ="="

it was a bit pity that the concert only going on for 1hour 50mins,but yet i so glad they girls say they will be coming back soon ^^, right after that suddenly from feeling excited it turn to sorrow, the time passed so fast, haiz... i really hope the will be coming back soon and yeah they say "Kami Suka Malaysia" XD

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Diet plan from my scandalicious Shere


well as the title said, here is the diet plan that my scandalicious follow where i'm going to follow it also XD

I am determined to diet. So here' what I may follow. :P
  • Don't skip lunch, to watch your weight, consume 3 meals per day.
  • Try to control portion. Take 5 table spoons of rice for your lunch and dinner.
  • More vegetables, tofu, fish in your meals for your lunch and dinner to make your self full.
  • If you feel hungry in between luch and dinner, take apples and 1 glass of non-caffeinated beverage like milo/horlicks.
  • Never skip breakfast. The best is 2 half-boiled egg + milo/horlicks. Egg is high in protein and makes your food craving less.
  • Not to take dinner after 7pm. If u feel hungry after your dinner, just drink 2 glasses of water and drink 1 glass of milo/horlicks.
  • Not to forget, drink 1 glass of water per hour. Do this for 8 hours. Of course, u'll run to the loo lots of time.
  • But better do all your toilet business during daytime rather than when at night which can disturb your sleep.
  • Skipping any of your meals will downgrade your body's ability to burn calories.
  • Making yourself busy in the office by walking a lot may help to burn calories.
Credits to: Dr. Eleen Sipawi and my scandalicious Sherer

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Glee episode 9 sason 2 - "Special Education"

well ya they gone for the sectional competition without Kurt and added a new anonymous member =_=
well i dun even know her name yet till now =_=
but they song that New Direction perform was awesome and yeah this time they have to compete with the "Warblers" from Dalton Academy[Kurt transfered to this school] but thanks GOD both of them ties in the first place and both can proceed to regional ^^

i would like to share their song here
they perform 2 song for their sectional and 1 celebration song after the winning he first place
sectional - (i've had) the time of my life - Valerie
celebration/episode ending song - Dog days are

well i was hlappy for "New Direction" for their victory but seriously that i really miss kurt singing together with them TT~TT

@Source: youtube

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Glee season 2 OST

well it seems that Glee Season 2 virus is spreading wide now.
well it just that the song they sing this season is more catchy and nice.
actually like other i just can hear it from youtube or from the video itself.
i have been wondering whether i can dloadl it or not, the answer is YES!!!
well although it was a bit illegal, as u know illegal download.
but yet i willing to share it though...

let me update the song sung in this season.


Version covered

Performed by


"Empire State of Mind"

Jay-Z feat. Alicia Keys

New Directions

1. "Audition"

"Every Rose Has Its Thorn"


Sam Evans

1. "Audition"


Lady Gaga feat. Beyoncé

Rachel Berry and Sunshine Corazon

1. "Audition"

"Getting to Know You"

The King and I

Tina Cohen-Chang

1. "Audition"


Travie McCoy feat. Bruno Mars

Sam Evans with New Directions males
except Kurt Hummel

1. "Audition"

"The Power"


Finn Hudson

1. "Audition"



Sunshine Corazon

1. "Audition"

"What I Did for Love"

A Chorus Line

Rachel Berry

1. "Audition"

"I'm a Slave 4 U"

Britney Spears

Brittany Pierce

2. "Britney/Brittany"

"Me Against the Music"

Britney Spears feat. Madonna

Brittany Pierce and Santana Lopez

2. "Britney/Brittany"

"...Baby One More Time"

Britney Spears

Rachel Berry

2. "Britney/Brittany"


Christopher Cross

Will Schuester

2. "Britney/Brittany"


Britney Spears

Artie Abrams

2. "Britney/Brittany"


Britney Spears

Will Schuester with New Directions

2. "Britney/Brittany"

"The Only Exception"


Rachel Berry with New Directions

2. "Britney/Brittany"

"Only the Good Die Young"

Billy Joel

Noah Puckerman with New Directions

3. "Grilled Cheesus"

"I Look to You"

Whitney Houston

Mercedes Jones with Quinn Fabray
and Tina Cohen-Chang

3. "Grilled Cheesus"

"Papa, Can You Hear Me?"

Barbra Streisand

Rachel Berry

3. "Grilled Cheesus"

"I Want to Hold Your Hand"

Across the Universe

Kurt Hummel

3. "Grilled Cheesus"

"Losing My Religion"


Finn Hudson

3. "Grilled Cheesus"

"Bridge over Troubled Water"

Aretha Franklin

Mercedes Jones

3. "Grilled Cheesus"

"One of Us"

Joan Osborne

New Directions

3. "Grilled Cheesus"

"Don't Go Breaking My Heart"

Elton John and Kiki Dee

Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson

4. "Duets"

"River Deep – Mountain High"

Ike & Tina Turner

Mercedes Jones and Santana Lopez

4. "Duets"

"Le Jazz Hot!"


Kurt Hummel

4. "Duets"


A Chorus Line

Mike Chang and Tina Cohen-Chang

4. "Duets"

"With You I'm Born Again"

Billy Preston and Syreeta Wright

Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson

4. "Duets"


Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

Sam Evans and Quinn Fabray

4. "Duets"

"Get Happy" / "Happy Days Are Here Again"

Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand

Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel

4. "Duets"

"Science Fiction/Double Feature"

The Rocky Horror Show

Santana Lopez

5. "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

"Over at the Frankenstein Place"

The Rocky Horror Show

Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, and New Directions

5. "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

"Dammit Janet"

The Rocky Horror Show

Finn Hudson, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Kurt Hummel
and Mercedes Jones

5. "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

"Hot Patootie"

The Rocky Horror Show

Carl Howell and New Directions

5. "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

"Sweet Transvestite"

The Rocky Horror Show

Mercedes Jones

5. "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

"Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"

The Rocky Horror Show

Emma Pillsbury, Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce
Will Schuester, Kurt Hummel, Carl Howell, Finn Hudson

5. "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

"Time Warp"

The Rocky Horror Show

New Directions

5. "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

"One Love/People Get Ready"

Bob Marley & The Wailers

Noah Puckerman and Artie Abrams

6. "Never Been Kissed"

"Teenage Dream"

Katy Perry

Dalton Academy

6. "Never Been Kissed"

"Start Me Up" / "Livin' on a Prayer"

The Rolling Stones / Bon Jovi

New Directions females

6. "Never Been Kissed"

"Stop! In the Name of Love" / "Free Your Mind"

The Supremes / En Vogue

New Directions males

6. "Never Been Kissed"

"Conjunction Junction"

Schoolhouse Rock!

Holly Holliday

7. "The Substitute"

"Forget You"

Cee Lo Green

Holly Holliday, Artie Abrams, Mercedes Jones
and Santana Lopez

7. "The Substitute"

"Make 'Em Laugh"

Donald O'Connor

Will Schuester and Mike Chang

7. "The Substitute"

"Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag"


Holly Holliday and Rachel Berry

7. "The Substitute"

"Singin' in the Rain" / "Umbrella"

Gene Kelly / Rihanna feat. Jay-Z

Holly Holliday, Will Schuester, and New Directions

7. "The Substitute"


Wonderful Town

Sue Sylvester and Doris Sylvester

8. "Furt"

"Marry You"

Bruno Mars

New Directions

8. "Furt"


Michael Bublé

Will Schuester

8. "Furt"

"Just the Way You Are"

Bruno Mars

Finn Hudson and New Directions

8. "Furt"

"Don't Cry for Me Argentina"


Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry

9. "Special Education"

"The Living Years"

Mike & The Mechanics

The Hipsters

9. "Special Education"

"Hey, Soul Sister"


Dalton Academy Warblers

9. "Special Education"

"(I've Had) The Time of My Life"

Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes

Sam Evans and Quinn Fabray

9. "Special Education"


The Zutons

Santana Lopez

9. "Special Education"

"Dog Days Are Over"

Florence and the Machine

New Directions

9. "Special Education"

sources from : wikipedia
To download these song, please visit this site

**ps: hope you guys enjoy those song, and some of the song can be found in my musicbox ^^

My KPOP Obsession Fever


Wonder Girls/원더걸스/奇迹女孩/ワンダーガールズ

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